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WRFN-A New Chapter

00 00
Kitchener, Ontario
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JANUARY 4, 2022

Completing the Puzzle: Consider the missing pieces in your loved one's future plan.


We will review some useful tools for gathering important information needed for launching our kids and supporting them in their life beyond us. These tools will focus on assisting parents and caregivers to compile the kind of information that only we know such as medical history, favourite recipes, and what goes into making a good day.


This event will be on Zoom. 

Please RSVP to Mary at maryjpike@hotmail.com if you would like to join us. 


WRFN-A New Chapter
00 00
Kitchener, Ontario
Tuesday January 4, 2022 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
WRFN Event
A New Chapter

* Registration is not required for this event.