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CADDAC-Supporting the Mental Health needs of Racialized Young People

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This training gives guidance to those providing mental health care to young people and their families on providing culturally competent care for diverse young people. The training will discuss various ways that young people and their families may have felt unheard or uncomfortable in mental health settings due to their racial and/or ethnic identity and will discuss approaches that practitioners can use to help decrease barriers to care for such young people and their families.


This training will discuss experiences young people and their families have of oppression, racism, and structural oppressions, and while the goal is to help all participants have greater comfort in dealing with these issues, participants should come willing to acknowledge the role these factors play in young people’s lives.


Participants of this training will gain a greater understanding of the barriers to mental health care faced by racialized young people and their families. Acquire strategies to engage racialized young people and their families. They will be able to identify specific struggles that racialized and underserved children and youth may face and how these might affect their mental health.


This training is suitable for:

  • Mental Health Professionals: psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, social workers.
  • Medical Professionals: nurses, psychiatrists, pediatricians, family doctors.
  • Direct Service Workers: Drop in workers, shelter and hostel workers, child and youth workers, youth justice workers.
  • First Responders: Police, firefighters, paramedics. 

Registration fee: $250 ($225 with promo code CADDAC10) 



To register, click here.

CADDAC-Supporting the Mental Health needs of Racialized Young People
$250.00 (adult) plus applicable taxes
$225.00 (child) plus applicable taxes
Friday January 28, 2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.