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It's a Brain Thing with Nate Sheets

295 Rectory ST
London, Ontario
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People with FASD struggle with many cognitive skills required in everyday situations. As a result, they are often mistakenly perceived as being intentionally defiant, oppositional, lazy, or unintelligent. Nate will share the logic of Cognitive Supports™, a model he has developed over a decade of working with children and adults with various developmental disabilities. He will provide specific, concrete steps that can be used immediately, and tools that will help participants begin to think about their child/client in a completely different way, opening the door for deeper connection and appreciation for their strengths, and enabling them to build upon current skills.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to use tools provided to understand the cognitive struggles and strengths of those with FASD
  • Participants will be able to start re-thinking many behaviors and expectations through a "Cognitive Skills Lens," allowing for individualization in any setting
  • Participants will apply Cognitive Supports principles right away, and know what to do when things don't go according to plan

Register here.


Nate Sheets is an international FASD behaviour consultant, speaker, and advocate. He has a decade of experience in the developmental disability field and helps families, schools, mental health programs, and government agencies understand the needs of people with FASD. Nate takes neuropsychology concepts and finds practical ways to apply them to challenging behaviours in a way that values the dignity and respect of all people involved. Nate works with both children and adults, and provides free videos to parents and professionals at www.youtube.com/oregonbehavior. He is a producer and co-host on the "It's a Brain Thing" podcast, and is producing two video series on FASD. He lives in Salem, Oregon and watches an unreasonable amount of television. 

It's a Brain Thing with Nate Sheets
$65.00 (adult) plus applicable taxes
$85.00 (child) plus applicable taxes
295 Rectory ST
London, Ontario
Wednesday May 15, 2019 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.