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P4P-The Power of Working Together

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As preparation for the job ahead PLAN Institute and its partners are presenting this four-part webinar series to learn from four Canadians with expertise and experience in system change.


Goals of Learning Series:

  • To learn from other successful movements
  • To strengthen the social, political, economic and cultural power of the Canadian disability movement
  • To clarify the role of parents, families, service providers, funders and other allies in supporting disability leadership
  • To secure a Canadian Disability Benefit that is meaningful, inclusive and ends disability poverty

The Power of Working Together

We can only go so far working only with our friends and colleagues. Our hopes and dreams will remain unfulfilled unless we are willing and able to work with others—sometimes including people we don’t agree with or like or trust. Such collaborations present both opportunities and challenges, including in the disability world with conflicts among groups, organizations, and family members. Other movements have surmounted similar challenges. This session will focus on lessons from other movements who have faced similar challenges and thrived despite or because of their differences.

To register, click here.


* Please see registration links below. Please register for each session individually. We strongly encourage you to commit to all four sessions.

  • Registration is free. 
  • Each session will last for 90 minutes except for the final session which will be 2 hours.
  • Accessible Communication and French -English translation.
  • English live caps, ASL and LSQ interpretation, and plain language availability.

P4P-The Power of Working Together
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Thursday November 26, 2020 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.