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PooranLaw-Care for Caregivers Seminar

400 - 1500 Don Mills RD
North York, Ontario
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Caregivers experience considerable stress in the performance of their roles. Coping mechanisms to deal with the negative effects of stress are complex and vary from person to person. Often, while taking care of a loved one, caregivers face challenges about how to cope effectively.


Mickle Macaulay (Ph.D) and Patricia Parker (M.A.) will be leading a seminar at PooranLaw's offices to assist family caregivers in developing coping mechanisms to deal with the inevitable stresses they experience.


This three and a half hour seminar will invite participants to identify the stressors they face and introduce them to alternative coping mechanisms suited to their unique situations. Topics to be discussed include dealing with anxiety, frustration, impatience, anger, grief, guilt and blame.


Learn more about this opportunity here.



PooranLaw-Care for Caregivers Seminar
400 - 1500 Don Mills RD
North York, Ontario
Saturday June 1, 2019 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.