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Supporting Our Most Challenging Children

114 Maitland ST
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4Y 1E1
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Katy Albert, M.Ed., OCT, BCBA


This training is suitable for: 

Mental Health Professionals: Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Psychologists, social Workers. Direct Service Workers: Drop in Workers, Shelter and Hostel Workers, Child and Youth Workers, Youth Justice Workers.



How can you help when a child seems to lack motivation? What can you do for a child who just doesn’t seem to use the skills that they have learned in therapy? This workshop will explore techniques to support children who engage in challenging behaviours that act as barriers to success in treatment and in daily life. Mental health professionals will be given the foundation to apply behavioural principals, helping clients and their families move from talk to action and manage behaviours that interfere with meeting their goals.

Practical strategies to approach non-compliance, tantrums and aggression, maximize parent involvement and facilitate intrinsic motivation will be discussed.


Learning Objectives:

Acquire practical strategies to help clients use what they learn in therapy in their daily lives.
Describe the differences between learning language-based rules and acquiring real life skills.
Understand applications for functional behaviour assessment to treating behaviours that interfere with positive outcomes.
Be able to facilitate the use external rewards in a way that is sustainable and supports the development of intrinsic motivation.
Acquire practical strategies to engage and accommodate children with learning differences such as ADHD, LD and ASD during therapy sessions.



Friday, October 18, 2019
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Learning Institute
114 Maitland Street
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1E1

Supporting Our Most Challenging Children
114 Maitland ST
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4Y 1E1
Friday October 18, 2019 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.