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ADDitude Webinar- Time Management in a Pandemic: Better Productivity, Even When Every Day Could Be Monday

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Time management skills help us choose what we do and when we do it. The better we are at choosing priorities, the more effective we can be. But unless we can take action, it doesn’t matter what we prioritize. Effective time management is how we take the right action at the right time.


Time management is harder than ever for adults with ADHD. When days blur into each other, a lack of visible progress robs you of motivation. You face more distractions stuck at home with three kids, a dog, a cat, and a goldfish. Your work-from-home partner, home-schooling children, and tougher-than-ever job compete for your time. And time-blindness is exacerbated because the pandemic has robbed us of clues for “when” to do things. It’s never “time to go to work, ” “take a lunch break,” or “quit work.”


If your time management system isn’t working as it used to, you are not alone. Most people report sleeping later, staying up later, working longer hours, and not exercising as much, or at all. This is devastating for adults with ADHD. Here, ADHD coach and productivity expert, Linda Walker, will explain how to manage your unstructured time.


In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to establish the daily structure to combat time blindness in the pandemic
  • Strategies to enable focused work, even while working from home
  • Effective strategies to manage distractions and improve productivity in less-than-ideal conditions
  • Actionable steps for limiting distractions
  • Unconventional and creative time management strategies to improve work-life balance and productivity.

Click here to register.

ADDitude Webinar- Time Management in a Pandemic: Better Productivity, Even When Every Day Could Be Monday
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Thursday January 28, 2021 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.