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Pottery Saturdays

2749 Kingsway DR
Kitchener, Ontario
Canada N2C 1A7
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Week 1 (Nov 24,2018)

-working with clay and making your ornament or piece of choice


Week 2 (Dec 1, 2018)

-glazing/painting and adding finishing touches to your ornament or piece of choice

*If you would like to experience glazing/painting but NOT working with clay, you are welcome to join only on the second date. There will be items available for you to glaze/paint. Cost of Week 2 ONLY is $15.


Completed items will be available for pick up by December 14, 2018.


RSVP by November 16, 2018 to email provided. 

Pottery Saturdays
$30.00 (child) plus applicable taxes
$15.00 (senior) plus applicable taxes
2749 Kingsway DR
Kitchener, Ontario
Canada N2C 1A7
Saturday November 24, 2018 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.