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The Psychology Foundation of Canada-Webinar: The impact of anti-black racism on children and youth in Canada

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The Psychology Foundation of Canada is dedicated to our mission of nurturing resilience in children. We know that black children face specific stressors related to anti-black racism. The Psychology Foundation of Canada is continually engaging in anti-oppression learning and we are working to creating a space that will help you support the children and youth in your life.


Limited space has now become available for this upcoming webinar.


September 30th, 2020



Dr. Kofi-Len Belfron and Nigel Enniss



“Our children are suffering. While our attention is turned to police brutality victims, protests, riots and “#blacklivesmatter” - understand that young black children are suffering behind this as well. I am grieving because of it, and so are many of you. Some of you are at different stages of it – sadness, anger, denial and don’t want to talk about it.”


Dr. Kofi-Len Belfon, clinical child psychologist and member of our Board of Trustees, provided a candid personal and professional perspective of the effects of anti-black racism on our children through this video.


Dr. Belfon will be joined by Nigel Enniss, Anti-Black Racism Practice Integration Lead from Children’s Aid Society Toronto, to lead and engage in a candid conversation with webinar participants on how we can better support and promote the mental well-being of black youth in Canada. We invite you to be a part of this discussion on September 30th 12noon-1pm by registering for this webinar here.




Our webinars fill up quickly so please be sure to cancel your registration if you are no longer able to make the session. This will allow others to register for the session as space opens up.


By end of day on September 25th, 2020, please send any questions you would like to have answered by filling out this short questionnaire 


The Psychology Foundation of Canada-Webinar: The impact of anti-black racism on children and youth in Canada
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Wednesday September 30, 2020 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.