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LDAWC-Financial Literacy Virtual Workshop

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This workshop is designed to provide financial concepts in a way that is easy for teens to understand. The group will work through budgeting and purchasing for a party! Budgeting is about making choices between what we need and what we want. Staying on or under a budget reaps positive rewards. You are in charge of your choices, but first you have to be aware that you are making them.


Topics to be covered include:

· Understand difference between a want and a need

· Understand the importance of rationalizing needs over wants· Use decision making and problem solving skills to come up with the best solution

· Discuss the importance of a budget and deciphering between needs and wants· Understand the importance of saving and how much things cost


Register here.

LDAWC-Financial Literacy Virtual Workshop
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Wednesday March 31, 2021 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.