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Sensory Friendly Play Time

B13 - 550 Parkside DR
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L5V4
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We’re reducing the Sensory Imput in our Playground for these events, and our co-host & Occupational Therapist, Jennifer Lake, from @possibilOT will be adding some of her tools for the children to use. Jennifer will also be available onsite during each of these events if you have any questions about how Occupational Therapy can help your child who is sensory-avoiding or sensory-seeking!

Regular admission rates apply.
Ages 3+ $9.95+tax
Ages under 3 $5.95+tax
Sibling rates:
Ages 3+ $7.50+tax
Ages under 3 $3.50+tax

Admission for this event is reduced to a maximum of 15 children, so registration in advance is required. Please register here.

Sensory Friendly Play Time
$9.95 (adult) plus applicable taxes
B13 - 550 Parkside DR
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L5V4
Tuesday November 3, 2020 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.