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Skills Ontario-Persons with Exceptionalities Conference

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Are you in Grades 7-10, living with an exceptionality and interested in what careers you could have in the future?

Are you a parent, guardian, support staff or teacher interested in learning more about skilled trades and technologies?



We are so excited to bring together a Mentor Panel of persons living with exceptionalities working in skilled trades and technologies fields to share their stories, answer questions, tell us all about skilled trades and technology careers and why they love their jobs!


We will also have community organizations joining us on a panel to discuss the variety of supports available to youth living with exceptionalities, and how to best walk the path of finding a meaningful, rewarding career!


A Skills Ontario Liaison Officer will be delivering a "What's Out There in Skilled Trades & Technologies" presentation to learn all about the great opportunities available in skilled trades and technology careers.


We are excited to announce, we will have a hands on kit for the first 50 registrants that will include hands on activities and information about the skilled trades and technologies!


An ASL interpreter and closed captioning will be provided during this event.


Please only register once per person- either registration with a kit or registration for the event so we can know how many people to expect.

Register here.


**** This event is geared toward those with Exceptionalities. Exceptionalities can be broken down into 5 categories. Listed below are the exceptionalities this event will be tailored towards: Behaviour, Communication (including Autism, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Language Impairment and Learning Disability), Intellectual (including Mild Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disability), Physical (including Physical Disability and Blind and Low Vision-Multiple including Multiple Exceptionalities)

Skills Ontario-Persons with Exceptionalities Conference
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Tuesday March 30, 2021 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.