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CAMH-Heathy Sleep Habits: Helping You Get a Good Night's Sleep

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Sleep is one of the three main pillars of health. Now, more than ever, we need to be sleeping well to better our immune systems and overall health. As caregivers, we often sacrifice sleep to care for others, to worry about our loved ones, and to run through our endless responsibilities. When we value the importance of healthy sleep as we do eating well and physical activity, we can achieve overall health and wellness that benefits us and our care recipients. When we focus on changing our mindset and everyday lifestyle habits, we can build a foundation to sleep and feel better. Join this webinar to learn from sleep expert, Alanna McGinn, about how to incorporate proper sleep hygiene into your daily life, with tips and strategies to quiet your mind, shorten sleep onset, and strengthen your relationship with sleep and your bed.


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CAMH-Heathy Sleep Habits: Helping You Get a Good Night's Sleep
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Thursday February 24, 2022 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.