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IFCO-Have Your Say!

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Topics to think about prior to the event:  

  • How individualized or direct funding, like Passport, canassist you (as an adult citizen living with a disability) withmore choice and control, and options for a good life.
  • What your goals are, or your vision for life. What support would be needed to take a step forward as you think about your future. 

Register by NOON Wednesday, January 19, 2022
To register, click here or email individualizedfundingcoalition@gmail.com with your name & phone number or phone: 519-966-8094, Ext. 6 and leave Bill a message with name, phone number & email.


A Zoom link will be sent by email the afternoon of the event to those who registered.

IFCO-Have Your Say!
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Wednesday January 19, 2022 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.