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P4P-Understanding Your Legal Rights

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People with disabilities have the right to make their own decisions about issues that affect their lives. However, there are many circumstances in which this right is challenged. Individuals may be found to lack capacity to manage their own money and property, make their own decisions about medical treatment (or other personal care matters), bring forward a legal action, or retain and instruct a lawyer. There are different legal processes to challenge findings of incapacity and many of these processes can be complex.

Many people are surprised to learn that when a child with a disability reaches the age of majority(18), their parents are no longer their legal guardians. So how can parents protect the legal rights of their adult children? Is adult guardianship a viable alternative? What is the state of supported care in Ontario?      


  • An understanding of the law in Ontario as it pertains to a person with a developmental disability
  • Legal instruments families have at their disposal
  • Current issues associated with legal capacity in Ontario

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P4P-Understanding Your Legal Rights
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Tuesday February 16, 2021 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.