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P4P- eCLAIM & MyDirectPlan:An Introduction to submitting your claims electronically

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Everyone wants the process to work as efficiently as possible and for payments to be made as quickly as possible.


One way you can help yourself and make the whole system more efficient is by using one of the digital platforms for submitting your invoices.


This webinar will provide an overview of the eCLAIM Platform as well as MyDirectPlan.


This webcast will help you:

  • Manage the process more efficiently
  • Track your invoices and payments
  • Understand how eCLAIM & MyDirectPlan works

To register, click here.

P4P- eCLAIM & MyDirectPlan:An Introduction to submitting your claims electronically
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Thursday October 28, 2021 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.