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Special Siblings - Waterloo Region

50 Saginaw PKY
Cambridge, Ontario
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Special Siblings - Waterloo Region is hosted by KidsAbility, Kerry's Place and Extend-A-Family.


Being a sibling can be challenging at times but also very rewarding.

During this fun-filled therapeutic program, siblings will meet others who can relate,

share their experiences together – both positive and negative – and learn how to understand their brother or sister better. Facilitated by a Social Worker and community partner, siblings will have fun, enjoy snacks and share in activities with other kids who understand what it’s like growing up as a sibling!


For siblings ages 7-10. The cost is $5/child.


Registration by calling 1-888-372-2259 x 6202. Registration deadline is November 3, 2018.

Special Siblings - Waterloo Region
50 Saginaw PKY
Cambridge, Ontario
Saturday November 17, 2018 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.