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P4P-The Power of a Disability Media

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As preparation for the job ahead PLAN Institute and its partners are presenting this four-part webinar series to learn from four Canadians with expertise and experience in system change.


Goals of Learning Series:

  • To learn from other successful movements
  • To strengthen the social, political, economic and cultural power of the Canadian disability movement
  • To clarify the role of parents, families, service providers, funders and other allies in supporting disability leadership
  • To secure a Canadian Disability Benefit that is meaningful, inclusive and ends disability poverty

The Power of a Disability Media

This webinar starts from the premise that we are already a disability media. That we have common purpose, rich and varied stories, and legions of public opinion shapers who use a variety of media platforms. When we bring all these together, we become a media power that rivals traditional media outlets. And enables us to become a peer of mainstream media, influence the stories they cover. Address the negative myths, stigma, stories and attitudes about people with disabilities. And rally ordinary Canadians behind specific disability initiatives like a Canadian Disability Benefit.

To register, click here.


Click on topics below for descriptions of future series conversations and registration details.

* Please see registration links below. Please register for each session individually. We strongly encourage you to commit to all four sessions.

  • Registration is free. 
  • Each session will last for 90 minutes except for the final session which will be 2 hours.
  • Accessible Communication and French -English translation.
  • English live caps, ASL and LSQ interpretation, and plain language availability.

P4P-The Power of a Disability Media
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Thursday November 19, 2020 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.