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Our Place-Virtual Stork Secrets

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Pregnancy and Postpartum Adjustment Peer Support

Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, The Stork Secrets series will move to a virtual program delivery for the spring.  Registration is now open for this program. 


If you would like a facilitator to follow up with you to discuss resources and services that may meet your needs at this time, please submit your information at the bottom of this page. 


If you have any questions about Stork Secrets, please call Our Place Family Resource and Early Years Centre at 519-571-1626 x 1025 to speak with a Stork Secrets Facilitator.


This pre-registered program will take place within a private Facebook group, and via a Zoom meeting on pre-determined days/times throughout the week.


Are you?

Pregnant or a mother of a child under 2?

Feeling nervous, anxious, or overwhelmed?

Looking for support?  

Have you been diagnosed with postpartum mood disorder?

Wondering if how you are feeling is more than the baby blues? 

Connect With Others

Ask questions.

Discuss coping strategies.

Develop friendships.

Learn about other services in the community.

Strengthen connections with your baby.

You are not alone. There is help.


Date: Mondays; July 6 to Aug 24, 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. over Zoom Platform

Location: Virtual

​​​There is no fee to attend Stork Secrets.




Our Place-Virtual Stork Secrets
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Monday August 24, 2020 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.