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You Are Not Alone - A Family Discussion

65 Hanson AVE
Kitchener, Ontario
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Are you a sibling of a brother or sister that has a disability? Do you have questions or worries about their future care? Are you curious if there are others who share the same concerns and experiences? Are you a parent of someone with a disability and would like to learn more about the sibling perspective?


Join Siblings and Parents from the KW region for a relaxed evening to hsare your thoughts, questions, and experiences as a sibling/parent of someone with a disability. 


Please RSVP by email to JFoote@bridgestobelonging.ca.


You Are Not Alone - A Family Discussion
65 Hanson AVE
Kitchener, Ontario
Tuesday May 7, 2019 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.