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Lunch & Learn-Love Builds Brains with Dr. Jean Clinton

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Love Builds Brains:
As we navigate parenting and the pandemic, we want to explore what parents and professionals can do to support infant and children mitigate the negative impacts.

This presentation explores the developing brain and the crucial role relationships with others play in healthy development. Relationships that are warm, responsive, and predictable help our children thrive, relationships that generate intense stress can harm the developing brain. 

This workshop is geared towards parents with children aged 0-4 and  those who work with parents of children ages 0-4.

REGISTER AT https://www.lifewithababy.com/event-4035798

Lunch & Learn-Love Builds Brains with Dr. Jean Clinton
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Tuesday November 10, 2020 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.