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Workshop: Character Integration Therapy

1 Hillside DR
Guelph, Ontario
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What would your life be like if you could rely on yourself, avoid self-sabotage, finish all those exciting projects you start, strengthen your relationships, and rebuild your self-trust?

Psychiatry Professor Alina Kislenko of McMaster University, an award winning reg. psychotherapist, humanitarian, and author, shares a psychological modality that brings light to the many noisy little selves living inside of us. This method is called Character Integration Therapy and has been life changing for many as it tends to bring on surprisingly quick change and growth.

In this interactive workshop you will learn how to identify and integrate your colourful parts to foster your personal evolution in leaps and bounds.


**Neurotypical friendly but made for the Neurodivergent (ADHD &/or Asperger's - Alina has ADHD & ASD herself)**

Workshop: Character Integration Therapy
$124.00 (adult) plus applicable taxes
1 Hillside DR
Guelph, Ontario
Sunday November 3, 2019 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.