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LDAWC-Is it Dyslexia?

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Up to 20% of students have dyslexia, yet most students go undiagnosed and are instead labeled as slow readers, lazy,  and unfocused.  If properly identified and provided with research-based support, students with dyslexia can successfully learn to read along with their classmates.  Join our session to learn more about what dyslexia is, what some of the signs and symptoms are, and how you can support and help your child both at home and in the classroom. Christine Staley, Executive Director of Dyslexia Canada, and Natalie George, Programs Coordinator of Dyslexia Canada will lead the session and provide information, resources and answer some of your questions.


Location ZOOM


To register, click here.

LDAWC-Is it Dyslexia?
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Thursday September 30, 2021 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.