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FASD Parent/Caregiver Support Group

65 Hanson AVE
Kitchener, Ontario
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Parents and caregivers of children with FASD often experience some degree of social isolation caused by a lack of understanding of their child’s disability from family, educators, health, and social service providers. The goal of the Parent/Caregiver FASD Support Group is to provide a forum for parents and caregivers to support and learn from one another, to share knowledge, and to build skills in order to improve outcomes for children with FASD and their families.


The Parent/Caregiver FASD Support Group is co-facilitated by actual parents and caregivers in order to draw upon their own experiences and expertise while discussing a wide-range of topics that are relevant to rearing a child with an FASD. 


Topic: The Importance of Self-Care


Registration is required. 


To register contact 519-749-2932 ext.3336 or rmacdonald@lutherwood.ca.

FASD Parent/Caregiver Support Group
65 Hanson AVE
Kitchener, Ontario
Thursday November 21, 2019 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.