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Webinar-Are We All in this Together? Health Inequity, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Allyship during COVID-19 Part 2

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Since the diagnosis of the first case of COVID-19, the existence of privileges for some - including access to affordable (reproductive) healthcare, safe housing, adequate financial resources and technology; in combination with the ability to work from home, maintain food security and effectively practise social distancing measures - but not others, which predispose certain groups to feel the burden of the disease’s effects more severely than others, have been brought into sharp focus.


Dialogues in Diversity: Explorations of the EDI Implications of COVID-19 is intended to provide a space in which to explore these opportunities and imagine a way forward.


The series of seven webinars consists of ninety-minute expert-led, moderated panel discussions focused on five broad thematic areas in relation to the pandemic:

Mental Health and Wellness
Women, Gender and Sexual Diversity
Health Inequity, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Allyship
Work and Accommodation
Human Rights


To register, click here.

Webinar-Are We All in this Together? Health Inequity, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Allyship during COVID-19 Part 2
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Thursday July 30, 2020 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.