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Workshop: Supporting Someone with Chronic Pain

400 Queen ST S
Kitchener, Ontario
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Supporting a family member with chronic pain is a very important role but it can also feel overwhelming and draining to the caregiver. Sometimes it is hard to know how to help the person with chronic pain. It can also be hard for the care-giver to attend to their own needs. This workshop will provide strategies for how to support someone with chronic pain, as well as offering participants a chance to talk about their experiences. Self-care strategies for the caregiver will also be explored.

For more information or to register for this workshop please visit the Carizon website at www.carizon.ca or call 519-743-6333.

Workshop: Supporting Someone with Chronic Pain
400 Queen ST S
Kitchener, Ontario
Monday April 15, 2019 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.