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FREE Monthly Developmental Screening Clinic

641 King ST W
Kitchener, Ontario
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This monthly clinic is a free of charge, drop-in service for parents to address questions and/or concerns regarding their child’s development. The clinic is run by a qualified team of professionals, including behaviour analysts, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists who will be available to provide brief consultation in the areas of behaviour, speech, language, pre-literacy skills, and motor development. The results of the screening will be discussed with parents and are meant to indicate which areas are following typical development and others which should be monitored more closely.


For children ages birth to 6 years old.


This clinic is ran by Monarch House. For more information email waterloo@monarchhouse.ca or call 519-514-5770.

FREE Monthly Developmental Screening Clinic
641 King ST W
Kitchener, Ontario
Thursday November 29, 2018 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.