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Accessibility Week- The Connection Between Mental Health, Disability and COVID-19

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Worldwide, humans are living through unprecedented times.  COVID-19 has affected every aspect of “normal” life.  Nevertheless, for many individuals living with a disability, being in “lockdown” is not a new phenomenon. What we are experiencing collectively is their everyday life, and the pandemic is giving able-bodied people a glimpse into the daily life of those living with disabilities. In this session, we will discuss mental health and tools that people with disabilities have used to deal with isolation and loneliness.  We will also address how the pandemic has prompted changes that those with disabilities have been requesting for years, such as working from home, and how we can contribute to a more inclusive and accessible community, whether you have a disability or not. 


Register here.

You can find out more about this at www.kitchener.ca/Inclusion.

Accessibility Week- The Connection Between Mental Health, Disability and COVID-19
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Tuesday June 2, 2020 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.