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Early Learning & Literacy Alliance (ella)-Leading with Love & Compassion

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By challenging, collaborating and creating with one another with the same love and compassion that we offer our children, we are aiming to become ‘reflective professionals’ who create anti-bias spaces, lean into discomfort, apply an anti-racism, anti-black racism, anti-oppression & anti-colonialism lens to develop and implement pedagogy, with an eye to how it all looks in everyday life.


Keynote & Facilitator Natalie Royer is a belonging consultant, strategist and coach who speaks specifically to creating belonging, inclusion and anti-racism in the Early Childhood realm. Natalie helps tackle processes of learning and un-learning. She reminds her audiences to be bold, courageous, and disruptive, and deeply compassionate, attuned, and collaborative at the same time.


The event begins with a recorded conversation between Natalie and WRDSB Director of Education jeewan chanicka (available for pre-viewing upon registration). The LIVE event continues the conversation with Natalie and 2 local leaders, Meagan Snyder, RECE / OCT and advocate of socially just pedagogy, and Judy Wright Fedyk, the new Early Literacy Specialist at Monica Place.


But it’s not just talk. We want action. The evening will culminate with provocations and prompts to continue the learning and conversations over the summer (as individuals & professionally), so that we can reconvene in the fall to further review, disrupt & dialogue. A Community Edition initiative is running alongside this work so that we all head together in the same direction.


Find out more & to register, click here.


Early Learning & Literacy Alliance (ella)-Leading with Love & Compassion
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Wednesday June 22, 2022 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.