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1001 Franklin BLVD
Cambridge, Ontario
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The Cambridge Sports Park is offering weekly skating for persons with physical and developmental disabilities. This is a great opportunity to practice your skating skills or develop a new skill while socializing with peers.


Support and accommodation needs must be arranged by the individual attending. Supports persons and caregivers will not be charged the skating fee.


*Fee and waivers must be completed before entering the ice. All skaters must have their own skates and a CSA helmet when on the ice. 


For more information contact Brian Hood, 519-622-4494 or Brian@cambridgesportspark.com.



$5.00 (adult) plus applicable taxes
1001 Franklin BLVD
Cambridge, Ontario
Thursday September 12, 2019 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Community Event

* Registration is not required for this event.