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Rally for #CDBBy23 on Parliament Hill

Wednesday, October 19 - 12pm


Fast track Bill C-22! Join Disability Without Poverty, advocates with lived experience, allied organizations, and others in Ottawa to urge Parliament to pass critical disability justice legislation. 


We are hosting a rally in Ottawa on Wednesday, October 19th at 12 noon, which will occur during the same week as the UN Day for the Elimination of Poverty. ASL and LSQ, interpretation will be provided.


After the high of Bill C-22 being tabled for second reading on September 20, the debate and the delay, the defeat of a unanimous consent motion, we are hearing the hurt, anger and resentment from people with disabilities and advocates.


More than ever before, we must show our unity and power as disabled people, families, groups and organizations. With roughly 40 sitting days left until the end of the year, we need to push hard to get Bill C-22 passed, now! 


Join us for a rally in Ottawa on Wednesday, October 19th at 12 noon.


Please share this within your networks and communities. You can use the hashtags #CDBby23 and #PassC22in22 on your social media.


Can't make it to the rally? To show your support on social media, we encourage you to use the text “We endorse this rally for #CDBby23. Come stand in solidarity with us October 19. 12 noon - Ottawa."


Let's make sure our voices are heard!


Meet / Call / Email your MP

Write to your local MP today using DWP and March of Dimes Canada’s tool, which sends an email to your MP in just a few clicks!


Close to 3,400 of you have written to your MPs to let them know how important it is to move people with disabilities out of poverty. We must continue to make sure the Canadian Disability Benefit remains a national priority. 

Leah Bowman at 3:42 PM
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Name: Trish Coupal
Posts: 708
Last Post: October 23, 2024
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Name: Keenan O'Donoghue
Posts: 14
Last Post: October 22, 2024
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Name: Rachel Cave
Posts: 90
Last Post: May 9, 2024
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Name: Leah Bowman
Posts: 400
Last Post: November 8, 2022
Waterloo Region Family Network
Name: Waterloo Region Family Network
Posts: 11
Last Post: November 12, 2019

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