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From time to time, the Waterloo Region Family Network (WRFN) is asked to distribute information on behalf of third parties. WRFN provides general information to self-advocates and families of children with special needs. The information provided on this website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider. WRFN is not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. You are urged to use independent judgment when considering any resource.



Urgent Call to Action

Would you consider taking some ACTION today by sharing this information with others in your network and by writing a letter yourself!  Time is running out - a life is on the line . . . . . . . . A letter of support is needed NOW! The important details are below. Please read on: 


This is a call to action to help 39 year old Michal Kaliszan!  At a press conference held March 15th 2023, Michal spoke publicly about the shortcomings of Ontario's options for in-home disability support. (The attached press release outlines the details.) Michal calls his situation 'dire'. He was left without adequate attendant care after his mother’s death who provided him support in addition to his Direct Funding support over many years.  


Ministry-funded agencies say he should move from his own home in Cambridge to a “long-term care” institution - where he would actually get FEWER hours of support. In desperation, unwilling to accept that fate, Michal has applied for MAiD. 


Seniors for Social Action Ontario and the Disability Justice Network of Ontario have put forward a call to action to correct this situation. They have asked the Ontario Ministry of Health to work with Michal to coordinate a care plan that allows him autonomy, independence, and his Charter right to life, liberty and security of the person. A solution must be in place before the end of March - only 2 weeks away!


This is where family leaders and family networks come in: It is really important that, government hears from its citizens, especially people and families who could be most affected in the future, and at the same time this really does include our neighbours and friends - as this could be happening to anyone.


Letters to the Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones supporting Michal's rights to be supported at-home and in the community are needed NOW!  The Minister needs to receive our letters by March 20, so that bureaucrats meeting next week will be encouraged and inspired to solve Michal’s situation - and save his life. Please tell someone else you know about this, and ask them to write a letter as well!  (Note: An example of a letter to use and personalize with the addition of contact information and email addresses is attached.  Much appreciation to Marilyn Dolmage for broadly sharing her sample letter and information regarding this situation, which we were able to build upon.) 


Something to leave you all with:  You may have seen a quote from the home page of the individualized Funding Coalition website describing the state of things in Ontario along with description of the Now is the Time paper: “For people with disabilities needing support, it is like having a straight line to Long-Term Care.”  



"There is no dollar amount for the autonomy, dignity and freedom we are all promised and deserve. Let Michal live, be cherished and celebrated.” - Megan Linton, Disability Justice Network of Ontario

"All of us are at risk of such treatment”. - Doug Cartan, Seniors for Social Action Ontario

Dear family leaders and networks, consider the following 4 steps for action: 

  1.  Read the attached information to be fully informed.
  2. Write a letter to the Minister of Health. ( You can build from the example attached or do your own.)
  3. Consider copying your letter to the following: 
  • Your local MPP - Use this link to find your MPP:  https://www.ola.org/en/members
  • Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health: dawn.gallagher.murphy@ontario.ca
  • Seniors for Social Action Ontario: seniorsactionontario@gmail.com
  • Disability Justice Network of Ontario: info@djno.ca
  • Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario:  individualizedfundingcoalition@gmail.com
  • Any person or other group that is important to you

     4. Attach the letter of support to an email and send your email to: 

  • Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health:   sylvia.jones@ontario.ca (If it is easier just to put your letter directly into an email, then go ahead - don't let any barrier stop you. 



The IFCO Team 

Rachel Cave at 12:53 PM
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