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Inclusion Canada News

On January 29, the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying recommended an indefinite delay to the expansion of MAiD to people whose sole underlying condition is mental illness until it "can be done safely."


Inclusion Canada urges parliamentarians to abandon MAiD for mental illness altogether.


Inclusion Canada urges Parliament to not stop at re-evaluating only MAiD for mental illness. The current law, which makes assisted suicide available to people with disabilities, is also highly problematic and needs to be re-assessed.


Join us in calling the government to act. First, repeal the sunset clause. Immediately thereafter, resolve the harmful and discriminatory effects of Canada’s existing assisted suicide law on persons with a disability. 


Will be watching and responding. Stay tuned for more.


The Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) became law in June 2023. Since then, progress has been slow. Over 1.4 million people with disabilities continue to wait in poverty for this new national disability benefit to be implemented by the federal government.


We are calling on the government to set aside funding to establish the benefit in the 2024 federal budget. The funding needs to be a significant enough investment to realize the objective of the benefit, which is to bring people with disabilities out of poverty.


Click here to see our budget submission.


Bill C-35: An Act respecting early learning and childcare, has passed through the Senate with an amendment and is now back in the House of Commons.


More amendments are necessary to ensure that children with disabilities across the country are fully included in early learning education.


Click here to read our final appeal to the government and all MPs.


2022-2023 Impact Report now available!


Last December, we launched our 2022-2023 Impact Report. The report, which provides a concise summary of Inclusion Canada's work and achievements over the last year, is now available to the public!


Inside, you'll find detailed information about our ongoing work in our strategic priority areas, our 'Year in Numbers', stories about the lives of people with an intellectual disability and their families who have been impacted by our work, and more!


Click here to read the report. 


Inclusion Canada demands justice in light of inadequate sentencing in Brent Gabona case


On Wednesday, January 24, Brent Gabona was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison for sexual abuse against residents of Shepherd's Villa, a group home for people with intellectual disabilities in Saskatchewan.


Inclusion Canada vehemently opposes such an inadequate punishment, which is markedly less than the 15 years sought by the Crown.


In a press release, Inclusion Canada calls on the Crown to utilize all permissible legal measures, including an appeal, to ensure just sentencing. The justice system must recognize the profound impact of this case and take all necessary steps to ensure justice is done well. 


We believe that the sentence must reflect the egregious nature of the crimes and the number of victims repeatedly harmed over 17 years. 


Click here to read our press release. 


As part of National Inclusive Education Month, on February 20th at 4:00 pm EST, Inclusive Education Canada will host a webinar with guest Dr. Glenys Mann from Brisbane, Australia.


“Closing Special Schools in Canada: Lessons Learned and Actions Needed," will provide attendees with an international perspective on Canada's segregated school system for people with intellectual disabilities.


Click here to register. 

Trish Coupal at 10:27 AM
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Name: Trish Coupal
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Waterloo Region Family Network
Name: Waterloo Region Family Network
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Last Post: November 12, 2019

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