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From time to time, the Waterloo Region Family Network (WRFN) is asked to distribute information on behalf of third parties. WRFN provides general information to self-advocates and families of children with special needs. The information provided on this website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider. WRFN is not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. You are urged to use independent judgment when considering any resource.



Family Pulse - July 2024

July is here!

In the July issue of Family Pulse, you will find information on:


SEAC Updates

What's Happening at WRFN?

Announcing Changes to School Navigation

Taking You Inside Coffee Club's "Inside Out" Movie Night

EarlyON Resource Page

Kaleidoscope Kids

Spectrum on the Spectrum

A New Chapter June Recap

Community Info, Resources and Opportunities


Click here to read this month's Family Pulse.

Trish Coupal at 10:52 AM
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Community of Hearts Summer Evening Activities

Trish Coupal at 1:59 PM
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P4P Network Updates


We are excited to announce a few new initiatives which we hope will be of benefit to your organization.



The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) has recently updated the Special Services at Home (SSAH) guidelines, including aligning this funding program with CanChild's F-Words in Child Development.


One change to the program includes aligning the support for the child to participate in activities of the growth and development category, specifically with the F-Words in Child Development. Families can now make flexible choices based on the needs, interests and goals of the child. Families know their child best. They can now use their SSAH funding to support their child's pursuit of their interests in ways they believe can help support their child's development and focus on their child's strengths and the things they enjoy doing. Families can visit MCCSS's website to review the new guidelines.


Partners for Planning has developed a new SSAH Overview video and resource page to help families navigate applying for SSAH. Watch the new video here and we encourage you to share this information with families.


Keep checking back to the SSAH Overview page as we develop more resources! A French Resource page and video will follow soon.




As you may have heard, the Planning and Facilitation Collaborative (PFC) has gone live! We have been adding members to the PFC over the last year. The PFC is a space where professionals and aspiring professionals can gather together to share knowledge and experiences while also continuing to develop their skills and expertise through a series of online courses on planning and facilitation.


We wanted to reach out to our partners across Ontario, asking you to help us spread the word about the PFC. We know many organizations work with planners and facilitators to support their families and their loved ones. We also know there are not enough planners and facilitators in the province to support the work assisting families with planning. We are asking that if you are working with a facilitator or if there is a person in your organization that is involved in person directed planning who would like to become more skilled in this area than they might be interested in joining the PFC. Please visit this LINK to learn more. 



Partners for Planning is now on Instagram!

Follow us at @p4planning today!

Trish Coupal at 1:52 PM
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Disability without Poverty: Canada Disability Benefit

To learn more about the community recommendations, please look at our Disability With Possibility Report. Arising from this report is our #BetterTheBenefit poster campaign-- more to come soon!


The draft regulations to the Canada Disability Benefit are now available online. Click here to see them. 


You have until September 23 to provide feedback.

For the moment, we encourage you to take the following steps:

Apply for the Disability Tax Credit. Yes, it is not perfect. However, at this time you must have the DTC to receive the CDB.
File your taxes. Even if you have zero income, the federal government needs to know your last income statement to be on the list to receive the CDB.
Stay tuned! We are going to take some time to review the regulations, and will post more information soon.

In the meantime, we encouraging you to share your stories through sending a message by email to your elected officials, by requesting in-person meetings with elected officials where you live, or by approaching elected officials at community events.


The more MPs hear about the importance of the benefit and what is needed, the more likely they are to listen and make changes.


You can still help. Please take a moment to tell your MP.


This link makes sending a letter very easy.

Trish Coupal at 1:44 PM
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Bridges to Belonging

Trish Coupal at 1:36 PM
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Name: Trish Coupal
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Last Post: July 9, 2024
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Name: Rachel Cave
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Waterloo Region Family Network
Name: Waterloo Region Family Network
Posts: 11
Last Post: November 12, 2019

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