From time to time, the Waterloo Region Family Network (WRFN) is asked to distribute information on behalf of third parties. WRFN provides general information to self-advocates and families of children with special needs. The information provided on this website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider. WRFN is not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. You are urged to use independent judgment when considering any resource.
Community Living Ontario is excited to announce that applications for the Anne Stafford Light Up the Future Bursary are now open.
More information can be found at:
Anne Stafford Light Up the Future Bursary
Deadline for Submissions:
Friday, April 25th at 5:00pm EDT.
The Bursary is open to anyone who:
· Is a resident of Ontario
· Is aged 18 years and older
· Identifies as having an intellectual disability.
Each recipient is awarded up to $1,000.