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New Book on Aging and Elder Care

 Aging and Elder Care: Time for Transformation by John Lord


The book includes essays on caregiving, the importance of relationships as we age, ways to enhance home care, and many ideas for healthy aging.


The book can be ordered on-line by clicking here or purchased at Wordsworth Books in Waterloo.


Aging and Elder Care: Time for Transformation highlights and explores the various issues related to aging, elder care, and caregiving. It advocates for a transformative shift in how society views and supports its elderly citizens, challenging ageism in care systems. Weaving together personal experiences, research, and activism, this book addresses the challenges and opportunities in providing care for aging individuals and proposes alternatives to the current systems of care in Canada and around the world. It aims to tell a “new story” that values the dignity of elders, promotes inclusion and belonging, and reimagines later life with purpose, meaningful social connections, and personalized support.

Within its fifteen chapters, Lord covers a variety of topics, including his personal perspectives and experiences, alternatives to the current care system such as community-based care, challenging ageism, emphasizing social relationships, and calling for society to shift its views on aging and elderly care. For instance, the book discusses Canada’s aging population and the need to address ageism and the broken elder care system (Chapter 1). It emphasizes the importance of anticipating future needs and fostering a culture of caregiving that values interdependence and community support (Chapter 2). The book also highlights the significance of social connections and belonging for elders’ well-being (Chapter 3).

Moreover, Lord explores the role of caregivers and the importance of reflecting on personal experiences to enhance caregiving (Chapters 4 and 5). He advocates for the integration of natural supports and community connections to improve elder care (Chapter 6). The need for home care reform and the benefits of community-based care are discussed, along with examples of successful alternatives from around the world (Chapters 7 and 9).

Other chapters delve into the healing power of nature (Chapter 8), the inner life and resilience of elders and caregivers (Chapter 10), and the creation of age-friendly communities (Chapter 11). The book also examines hospice and palliative care (Chapter 12), the complexities of medical assistance in dying (Chapter 13), and the need for personal, cultural, and political transformation in elder care (Chapter 14). Finally, it outlines strategies for leadership and advocacy to drive systemic change (Chapter 15).

Through Aging and Elder Care: Time for Transformation, readers are encouraged to reflect critically on the current state of elder care, be inspired to advocate for a more compassionate, inclusive, and person-centered future, and use the book as a resource to guide policy decisions that positively impact the aging population and society as a whole.

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Trish Coupal at 10:28 PM
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