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From time to time, the Waterloo Region Family Network (WRFN) is asked to distribute information on behalf of third parties. WRFN provides general information to self-advocates and families of children with special needs. The information provided on this website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider. WRFN is not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. You are urged to use independent judgment when considering any resource.



Toronto Family Network Newsletter

Toronto Family Network


Toronto District School Board Policy Consultation on Human Rights Deadline: April 30, 2021


Please share this link widely and encourage participation.  Toronto Family Network has made a submission that was addressed to the Senior Human Rights Policy, Education & Org Change Specialist listed as the contact person for this consultation, as well as to the Director of Education, Chair of the Board, Special Education Advisory Committee, Parent Involvement Advisory Committee and Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


TDSB Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meeting

Next Meeting: April 19, 2021


Link to Human Rights at TDSB Page: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/About-Us/Human-Rights

FYI Other consultations include Parent and Community Involvement Policy, Specialized Schools and Programs Policy and Workplace Harassment Prevention.  


Toronto Catholic District School Board SEAC Meeting

Next Meeting: Wed, April 21, 2021




Government of Ontario News Release Ontario Extending Temporary Wage Enhancement for Personal Support Workers

March 18, 2021



From Family Alliance Ontario

Social Hour:  Sunday April 11, 2021, 8:00-9:00 pm. Who has questions about gardening?  Do you have knowledge that you can share? RSVP by Sat April 10, 2021:


Family Knowledge Share:  Wed April 28, 2021, 7:00-8:00 pm.  Rosanne Purnwasie, Organizer, Durham Sibling Group and FAO Board Member, will share information about their group.RSVP by Mon April 26, 2021: 


Family Knowledge Share on Wed May 26, 2021, 7:00-8:00 pm.   Topic:  Supported Decision Making: Community-based initiatives to advance the equal right to decide by Michael Bach with the IRIS Institute (www.irisinstitute.ca).

Family Alliance Ontario Annual General Meeting on Sat June 5, 2021 from 9:30 am.-12:00 noon.  Speaker:  Rupert Gordon, Assistant Deputy Minister will be sharing information about the Developmental Services Reform.


Family Alliance Ontario (FAO) ODSP Survey


Family Alliance Ontario wants to find out what families and people across Ontario experience when they interact with their local ODSP office. 


Family Alliance Ontario (FAO) and People for Personalized Funding (PFPF) Surveys 

Both surveys close April 16, 2021

Ontario SSAH Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRkYhhETMbTM8OYsdWOFhqp2Cfq0nv1UK2yuIqP8-VJquLkQ/viewform

Ontario Passport Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-ILApMbaVGSn_Nv-eIS4O5_ZOvaWs4rWKdniRy-75Kb2SlA/viewform


Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) Housing Navigation and Housing Toolkit Survey

Survey: http://bit.ly/HNSurveyEN

Responses collected until May 14, 2021


From Marilyn Dolmage

CTV investigation into class actions aired Saturday March 20th.



Advocacy Kit from People for Personalized Funding (PFPF) formerly called the Special Services at Home/Passport Coalition

Revised kit found on site: https://www.pfpf.ca/


Families for a Secure Future (FSF) April Family Gathering

April 8th from 7:00 - 8: 00 pm Eastern Time 

Zoom login details posted on FSF website: https://www.familiesforasecurefuture.ca/


Toronto Star Article

Reva was interviewed for this article and quoted.



From Jason Weppelman Client Program Manager Toronto Companies Looking to Recruit/Hire People with Disabilities/Autism/Neurodiversities




Community Living Ontario Feature Story: Provincial Budget Announces New Funding for People with Disabilities, Developmental Services

Find on website in Update Friday: March 26, 2021



The OHRC at 60

Toronto Family Network received an invitation to this 15-month commemoration and celebration. 15-month.

On March 29, 2021, the OHRC marked its 60th anniversary with a virtual celebration to mark the start of a 15-month period of commemoration and celebration of both the OHRC’s 60th anniversary and the 60th anniversary of Ontario’s Human Rights Code in June 2022. http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/ohrc-at-60


From Amanda Bartlett-Hindley, Ontario Community Services Coalition (OCSC)

Overview of the COVID-19 vaccine in a 30 minute info session with Q&A available on OCSC website: www.ocsc-ontario.ca under “Family Forums & Links.” Also found on the website is Dr. Patricia Spindel's Advocacy Workshop Presentation.


Ontario Human Rights Commission Right to Read Public Inquiry

We have no new info to share. Last Post on the OHRC website seems to have been October 26, 2020. Please let us know if you hear anything new.



Leah Bowman at 2:26 PM
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