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Coffee Club Fall Activities

From Carmen

Here are the activities for early fall at Coffee Club:
Thursday, August 22, 5:30 to 8 P. M. Buskers Carnival Opening Ceremonies

Thursday, August 22, 5:45 to 9 P. M. Buskers Carnival Opening Ceremonies, and a couple other artists NO ZOOM. We will meet at my place and begin walking to Waterloo Public Square together at 5:50 P. M. We will stay for the opening ceremonies, and then the 7 and 8 clock performances (click here to see the schedule.)  If people want to get picked up earlier from the public square, please do not hesitate. Otherwise, we will begin walking back to my place around 8:30 P. M. 
I would ask that you let me know you are coming by NOON Thursday, August 22, so that we don't miss anyone before we start walking. If you do not want to walk, please let me know you are getting dropped off at the public square also by noon on August 22.
Also, I have confirmation that there will be food trucks there beginning at 6:15 P. M., so bring money if you like! 
I will make an announcement by NOON if we are rained out, and then Zoom will happen instead.

Monday, September 16 from 7 to 9 P. M. KW Habilitation (99 Ottawa St., South, Kitchener) We will be watching Freaky Friday. Please come right at 7 P. M. because we will be beginning the show right then. Also, please let me know if you are attending by NOON on September 16, so that we know who to wait for at the door.

Monday, September  30 from 7 to 9 P. M. KW Habilitation (99 Ottawa St., South, Kitchener) We will be watching Haunted Mansion. Please come right at 7 P. M. because we will be beginning the show right then. Also, please let me know if you are attending by NOON. on September 30, so that we know who to wait for at the door.

Monday, October 7, from 7 to 9 P. M. KW Habilitation (99 Ottawa St., South, Kitchener) Click here to vote on what we do on October 7   You must vote by NOON on Tuesday, August 21. That way, if one of the "non-restaurant" activities ends up getting chosen, I can arrange it.


Please email carmen.sutherland@wrfn.info with questions and responses


Trish Coupal at 11:18 AM
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